Guided tour of the European Parliament with our students
14 June 2024

Cultural outing to the European Parliament with Stralang students.

Yesterday, our students visited the European Parliament (EP) whose headquarters is in Strasbourg. They were able to discover the history and functioning of this institution which is the parliamentary body of the European Union (EU) as well as the only European body directly elected by citizens. Its 720 MEPs represent approximately 360 million EU citizens from 27 countries since Brexit in 2020 (withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU). The EP plays a key role in the election of the President of the European Commission. It also shares budgetary and legislative power with the Council of the European Union.

The EP is a unique example of the application of multinational and multilingual democracy. MEPs elected to the European Parliament participate in public debates and play a key role in shaping European Union policies. It represents the 2nd largest electorate in the world after India.