Visit to the Saint-Jean Fair with our students. Our students took advantage of the...
Visit the Museum of Fine Arts and the Rohan Palace
Visit the Museum of Fine Arts and the Rohan Palace in Strasbourg with our students....
The Summer School 2019 has started!
Welcome to all our new students who are registered for summer school! They are from all...
Visit to the Petite France and Strasbourg Cathedral in Strasbourg
Cultural visit of the Notre-Dame Cathedral of Strasbourg as well as the historical and...
A Harry Potter actor in a signing session in Strasbourg
Actor Josh Herdman, Grégory Goyle in the film Harry Potter, will be at the Magic Shop (6...
Music Festival on June 21
The Fête de la Musique is a festive event which has taken place every June 21 every year...
Visit to the Tomi UNGERER Museum in Strasbourg with our students
Visit to the Tomi UNGERER Museum in Strasbourg with our students. Tomi Ungerer has died...
Cultural activity at the theater LE TAPS SCALA
Pictures of our students before the show "On Tom Thumb's Road" at TAPS SCALA.
Visit to Œuvre Notre-Dame Museum
Visit to the Œuvre Notre-Dame Museum in Strasbourg with our students. The museum of...
Christmas party 2018
Hello all!During this Christmas period, we organized a Christmas party with quizzes,...
Alsatian cuisine
Alsace has an undeniably exceptional cooking tradition. Take advantage of your stay to...
Cultural outing to the Joséphine pavilion followed by a Bowling alley in the Jardin de l’Orangerie
Cultural outing with our students to the Joséphine Pavilion which, from the 18th century...