

Our registration form MissMrsMr Surname First name Native country Date of birth Place of birth Current address Zip code City Mobile phone E-mail Person to contact in case of emergency (email/mobile) I sign up for the course formula below: French, culture and...
Process to finalize your administrative registration

Process to finalize your administrative registration

How to finalize your registration (CVEC) For students enrolled in the semester 1 or semesters 1 and 2 (minimum 5 months) : As of July 1, 2018, you must first obtain a certificate of payment to the Contribution de vie étudiante et de campus * (CVEC). To do this, you...
Programs, Prices, and Calendar

Programs, Prices, and Calendar

FRENCH LANGUAGE STANDARD COURSES Monthly 1 month : 725€ Morning 9h – 12h 3 hours per day from Monday to Friday Class: 8-13 people 60h Register Quarterly 3 months : 1 745€* Morning 9h – 12h 3 hours per day from Monday to Friday Class: 8-13 people 180h...


FLE teaching —>Mission: Learn how to teach FLE Internships of a minimum of two months, up to 6 months supervised. Minimum volume per hour in person: 20h/per week.Internship with a bonus of 2 months: 4.35 euros net per hour. The gratuity is calculated in proportion...