General conditions of registration

You can book online on the Stralang website or send the registration form duly completed with the required documents or register in person at the Stralang Institute. Upon receipt of the registration form and the deposit of € 200 or full payment (if you book less than 4 weeks before your arrival), confirmation of your reservation will be sent to you. In any case, no reservation can be guaranteed without the deposit of the full payment.

The prices indicated for our programs are net prices and include:
– educational costs
– the provision of some specific equipment
They do not include additional activities such as excursions, or costs incurred for educational activities such as cultural visits (museum entrances, bus, tram, etc.). The administrative fees are not refundable.

The following payment methods are possible:
– by bank check endorsable in France
– by bank transfer to Stralang account
Banking information
Name of beneficiary :
Bank : Banque Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne
Account number : 33421528622 Clé 48
IBAN : FR76 1470 7500 3333 4215 2862 248
– in cash (Euros exclusively).

If you are paying by bank transfer, please specify your first and last name on the transfer and send us proof of transfer by e-mail. All bank charges are the responsibility of the student. Full payment must be made no later than 4 weeks before your arrival.

All demands for withdrawal or reimbursement should be done before the start of classes. In any kind of withdrawal or cancellation, following registration or a pre-registration, a filing fee of 200 Euros will not be paid back. In the case of a student who has applied for a student visa, no refund can be made except in the case of an administrative refusal of the visa, to be justified by an official document from the French Embassy or Consulate. Likewise, if the student does not show up at the Institute, is not diligent or decides to leave the Institute, or stops to attend courses without “force majeure” justification, no refund will be possible and Stralang will declare this absence to the Prefecture.

In addition, the student who registers for the Stralang course, requiring a visa, acknowledges having previously informed himself of the visa request and delivery conditions for his entry into France on financial, medical, or insurance aspects included. Any request for withdrawal and reimbursement must be made only by written demand. Professional requirements are not considered force majeure.

The Institute reserves the right to modify or cancel any course at any time. In this case, the Institute will offer the student an alternative course as much as possible.

Private lessons: any lesson canceled or postponed by the student must be completed before 12:00 noon the day before the lesson takes place; otherwise, it will be billed to the student.

A group course cannot be transformed into an individual course and vice versa at the request of the student. Stralang reserves the right to change class times without notice. More particularly in the high season, some lessons can take place in the afternoon.

Students are required to adhere to the Institute’s regulations posted on information boards. The Stralang Institute reserves the right to dismiss a student without reimbursement, in particular in the event of possession or use of drugs, alcohol abuse, ebriety, vandalism (at the Institute or in accommodation booked through Stralang), repeated disruption of classes, repeated breaches of Institute policies, harassment or threats to other students or staff.

The Institute is closed on French public holidays as well as during certain vacation weeks during the year. The exact closing dates of the Institute are displayed on the notice board.

Stralang guarantees; level A1 (Beginner), level A2 (Elementary), level B1 (Intermediate 1), level B2 (Intermediate 2), and level C1 (Advanced). Level C2 (Superior) is reserved for students holding the DALF C1. Students’ levels will be appropriately determined by a placement test at the Institute. The minimum number to maintain a group lesson is 3 students. Below that number, it corresponds to a private course with different prices and curricula.

Classes can be held in one of the two buildings of the Stralang Institute which are of similar standard.

Stralang may use photos or videos of students recorded during courses or extra-curricular activities on its promotional material (website, brochures, social networks, etc.). Acceptance of these general conditions constitutes the student’s authorization for the publication of images or videos. Otherwise, the objection must be declared by writing, at the registration.

The student is required to have an insurance policy with the insurance company of his / her choice, in order to cover all the risks (illness, theft, accident, etc.) to which he/she may be exposed on the occasion of his trip and/or his trips to Stralang and also during his accommodation, courses and excursions/trips / non-educational events organized by Stralang. However, it is strongly recommended to take out full liability insurance covering accidents, illness, theft, etc. The Institute declines all responsibility towards students during their travel and their stay (supporting documents will be requested). Stralang is not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to customers’ belongings at Stralang premises.

12. MINORS *
Anyone under the age of 18 must join a parental consent to their registration form, relieving Stralang of all liability. Parents of minors are informed that as a center that can accept minors over 13 years old, Stralang is frequented mainly by adults. Stralang can in no way be considered a “language camp” or a “summer camp” for minors. As it is not a closed study center, minors have no restrictions on their going out at any time, during or outside school hours. Parents who choose our program should ensure that their child is mature, independent, and responsible enough to go out and take public transport without adult supervision to get to the Institute and their accommodations. Parents of minors must sign a waiver authorizing their child to go out without adult supervision and to participate in extracurricular activities. A medical declaration must be completed and a telephone number for emergencies must be provided.

*Educational project available here

Stralang collects and processes data to effectively manage students’ registration and enrollment in the courses. These data are reserved for internal use. Any student can appeal to the Institute for information concerning him/her and have them corrected if necessary, in accordance with the provisions of the “Data Protection Act” N ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004. This right can be exercised by contacting our services by email at For more information, please read our privacy policy on our website.

Only the management of the Institute has authority on the decision to reimburse or recover courses not taken. Any complaint concerning the services provided by the Stralang Institute must be made by a registered letter addressed to the Stralang head office, 16 rue Jean-Henri Schnitzler 67000 Strasbourg / France. All claims must be written and within the week following the end of the training.

In the case of inappropriate behavior by the student, breach of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, or the school regulations, Stralang has the right to terminate and break up his education without advance notice and without reimbursement.

At the end of your studies, a graduation certificate can be issued by the Institute. It is necessary to apply for it at school during the last week of class. This certificate will only be issued if the student has participated in at least 70% of the scheduled courses and passed the tests. Any prolonged and unjustified absence may be the subject of a report to the competent services of the prefecture and/or of dismissal.

Registration for a course at the Stralang Institute implies full acceptance of the general conditions of sale and the internal regulations. In case of a conflict, the parties agree that the case will be judged under the jurisdiction of the Courts of Strasbourg.